Thursday, August 23, 2012

Food Month starts Sunday

This morning I'm munching on Wheat Thins.  They are one of my weaknesses.  Another is Oreos.  And that's why I don't allow myself to purchase either.  But I went to Target hungry yesterday, and so today I eat Wheat Thins.  But the reality of what I'm about to enter for Food month is right before me.

Sitting on my desk is my list of the 7 foods I will avoid, and the 7 I will focus on eating.  Coming up with the list was not as difficult as I would have thought it would be.  Unlike the book, I am not picking solely 7 foods to eat all month.  Rather, I looked at where my food weaknesses were.

  • And the truth is I am a lazy eater.  I eat fast food because I don't take time to pack a lunch. 
  • I'm an emotional eater. I turn to snack food or my coveted Diet. Dr. Pepper to get me through a stressful day at work or a lonely night home alone.
  • I don't practice what I've learned.  I know what I should be eating.  I know what I should be avoiding.  I know processed foods aren't good for me.  I know all these things, but that hasn't changed how I eat as much as I would like it to.
So this month I will focus on what I believe God is calling me to with food in my life.  To stop being lazy.  To stop being emotional.  And to put into practice the good things I've learned.  To turn to Him when I'm stressed or tired or emotional.  To find activities in my life to satisfy in ways that food cannot.  So, here are my parameters for the month.

Foods I will Avoid:
  1. Refined Sugar
  2. Fast Food 
  3. Carbonated Beverages (good bye Sonic Happy Hour!)
  4. Refined Grains (bye Wheat Thins)
  5. Processed Foods
  6. Fried Foods (no more potato chips)
  7. Dairy

Focus On:
  1. Whole Fruits
  2. Whole Vegetables
  3. Whole Grains
  4. Good Fats & Oils
  5. Water
  6. Legumes & Nuts
  7. Lean Meats
So there it is.  My food map for the next month.  I will say this.  We will be celebrating our anniversary in Estes Park during this month.  I have already decided that I will not miss some of the traditional meals, but rather enjoy and not be legalistic during that weekend.  However, I am planning food that I can enjoy to supplement those traditional meals so I don't veer so far off course and just ignore everything for the weekend.

I'm excited to start and look forward to leaning into the Lord more fully during this time.  A chance to cleanse my body, spirit and mind.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Waste Month: In the Home Stretch

As I look at my calendar, it is official: Waste month in some ways was a waste for me.  In total, I was home 11 of the 30 days for this month.  That makes it really difficult to follow any time of plan in any area of my life.  But recycling and shopping local are pretty much a bust when you are on the road for so many days.

But we are in the home stretch, the final week.  And here's how I'm going to finish strong:

1.) We are carpooling to work this week
2.) I am continuing to eat out of the freezer and pantry and keep grocery shopping to a minimum
3.) I will FINALLY be home on Wednesday & Saturday this week to hit the farmer's market
4.) Recycling, everything possible in our home
5.) kitchen waste taken out to the field

So, even though I haven't had the strongest month this month, this week will be great.  I can tell already.