1. Water Softener for my Shower Head
While mine isn't a Culligan - it looks very similar to the one pictured here. I purchased mine at Menards for about $20 and filters are about $11 to replace. I am hoping I can go about 3 months before I need to replace mine.
This has made a huge difference. We live in the country and apparently have very hard water. Before getting the filter, I found my hair getting progressively worse. It never felt clean no matter what shampoo (or alternative cleaning agent) I used. It always looked limp and flat but frizzy. It was the most frustrating experience.
I also did a lot of research about the no-poo method which uses Baking Soda diluted in water to wash your hair instead of shampoos that strip your hair. Because the hard water was so awful, it didn't work for me. And I haven't tried it again since I have the water softener. But I started diluting my shampoo and it is AMAZING how wonderfully that works.
Here's what I do: I take a condiment bottle like picture to the right and put one squirt of shampoo in it. Then I fill the rest with filtered water. Every other morning I take the diluted shampoo and target my roots with the solution. Scrub, scrub, scrub and rinse, rinse, rinse. The diluted solution usually lasts me about two weeks. Because I'm targeting my roots, I don't need a whole lot to clean my scalp and remove the grease. Then I follow up with a 1/2 & 1/2 solution of conditioner and water. It doesn't over strip my hair and I have been able to get away from the "greasies" and only wash my hair every other day because I still use some product in my hair.
Speaking of product, though. I use a little gel on the ends before I blow dry and that is all! No hair spray, no serums to keep fly-aways down. I don't need that any more. Because I'm not stripping all the moisture out of the hair, it doesn't get stat-icky like it used to!
3. A Great Haircut
Of course, where would we all be without a great hair cut. I have found a gal here in Kearney that I just love. A big part of why my hair lays the way it should is because I have a great hair cut. It suits my personality, my hair type, and my hair texture.
Put these three things together and I truly can get from bed to the car in 20 minutes and look like I took the time and effort to get ready. It took some trial and error over the past six months, but I finally feel like I have found my stride with my hair care. And whether or not it is vain, we all want to look our best, and I feel that is what these three things have allowed me to do.
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