Friday, June 29, 2012

The End of Media Month

Tomorrow marks the official end to our media month.  I have to be honest, it was much harder than I thought to give up TV, but not difficult at all to give up Facebook.  That really surprised me.  Since I keep in touch with family and life-long friends through Facebook, I assumed it would be much more difficult not to see them on a regular basis.  But I guess my busy summer made that easier.

Giving up TV was much more difficult than I thought.  I have learned something about myself through this process, and I'm not proud of it.  I cannot stand silence, and I don't enjoy being alone at home.  It was those nights that I caved.  When I was alone, the silence in my home was too much for me.  The record breaking heat didn't make things any easier.  The last thing I wanted to do in this heat is work out side or go for a walk.  Stuck in my house, I quickly caved and started watching movies or TV to occupy my time.  The thought of knitting or crocheting, or reading a book just didn't cut it.  Spending time in the Word or conversation with God was great, but unfortunately, many nights I was so emotionally and spiritually tapped I just couldn't muster much brain power to focus.

But I will say that in the midst of my weakness, I did find many sweet moments with my family.  We spent five glorious days in Colorado.  Many nights and days were spent with my sister, her husband, and my three adorable nieces.  We celebrated the 100 year wedding anniversary of my great grand parents through a festive family reunion.  Titus, the kids, and I logged many hours and miles in the car visiting family and friends.

As we come to a close with this I will continue to pray for God to fill me in those times when I want to check out.  I have identified an area where I need to grow, and I will pray for God to change my heart and my behavior to draw me closer to Him in those times.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Media Fast: Day 18

Confession time for me.  Last night I blew it big time with the media fast.  Even though we haven't been being legalistic about the fast, we have been keeping a pretty tight lid on things.  We've watched some Tim Hawkins movies with the kids.  Titus and his friend watched the NBA finals on Tuesday night.  But no late night TV, no cooking shows, none of that for me.  That is, until last night.  

When I got home from work I was just done.  You know the kind of "done" where several days of little sleep and long work days catch up with you?  The kind of "done" where you are numb and even conversation takes effort and energy you just don't have.  That kind of "done."  After we watched a movie, I turned on regular TV.  I knew I should go for a walk, but I was too physically tired to get out of the chair.  I knew I should talk with my husband, but I was mentally too exhausted to muster up a conversation.  I knew I should pray, read, journal, something...but I was too spiritually tapped to even care at that point.  

And today, I realized something.  This media fast has been great.  But fasting from media doesn't automatically fix the human condition of being over-tired.  It doesn't automatically mean you are going to have energy to be with your loved ones or the Lord, even when you have the time.  

I still feel at a bit of a deficit this morning.  But I praise God that His mercies are new every morning, and today is a new morning.   

Friday, June 15, 2012

Media Fast: Day 13

This past week we spent some time in Colorado.  It made the media fast seem pretty simple, for the most part.  We didn't stick as hard and fast to the media fast while we were on the road.  The kids watched Tim Hawkins comedy DVD's on the drive and we listened to and sang along with some worship music.  The trip out was great.  The hike was long and hard but rewarding.

When we returned to the hotel we did watch some TV.  After 9 hours of hiking, I wasn't going to complain.  We were just exhausted and wanted to unwind with some fun.  So we watched Cake Boss before bed.  I didn't feel guilty.  As I told my husband - there aren't any rules with this fast.  The point is that we are unplugging from media most of the time and engaging with each other and our Savior.

Now, the next two weeks I think will be more difficult for me.  We will be home without any big plans or preparation for any big trips.  That is when I'm more likely to be tempted to sit down and watch some cooking shows on Create TV.  So, I will game plan this weekend and have some projects, prayers, and books ready to go for my time after work.

Friday, June 8, 2012

My new favorite Granola Bar Recipe

Truly simple and so much tastier than the one I used before, this granola bar recipe is my new favorite.  I have made this about three times now, and it is pretty fool proof and extremely versatile.  The base remains the same each time.  The add-ins vary depending on what I have on hand, what I'm in the mood for, or what the family requests.

The Base
1 cup Almond Butter
3 mashed bananas
3 cups Oatmeal

The Add-ins
Add in up to 1/4 cup of any variation of nuts, seeds, or dried fruit.   We like to use dried cranberries or raisins, along with chopped almonds and walnuts.

The Preparation
Put a large sauce pan over medium heat on the stove.  Add the almond butter and mashed bananas and mix.  Continue to stir and mix together until smooth.  Be careful not to scorch the almond butter.  Once smooth and well blended (there will still be some banana lumps) turn off the heat.

Add the oatmeal one cup at a time and mix well.  Continue adding any additional nuts, seeds, dried fruit and mix well.

Spoon mixture into a 9x9 pan lined with parchment paper.  Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes.  Let cool for five minutes and then remove on parchment paper to a cooling rack.  Cut into bars and let cool completely.  Once cooled, I put them into snack size ziploc bags and store in the pantry.

The Verdict
These remind me of a oatmeal type cookie.  The bananas offer sweetness without adding any sugar.  And the almond butter offers the creamy taste and good protein.  I have used these for breakfast as I'm walking out the door.  They sustain me throughout the morning and have gone as late as 1pm before I was feeling like I needed lunch!  My husband said these are his favorite by far and is excited to have them on our 14ers trip, road trips, and camping trips to come this summer.

Media Fast: Day 6

I am closing in on the first week of the media fast.  This week has been surprisingly easier than I expected.  Part of it could be that with the kids in town, we have been busy enjoying time together with them.  And, getting ready to climb 14ers in Colorado has kept us busy as well.

Monday night and Wednesday night we walked six miles.  All at once.  All together.  With our backpacks.  My husband called these "training hikes".  Really, I'm not sure how these training hikes will translate to our hiking 14ers, but I'm glad to know I can walk six miles without dying.  It is also good to know that we all have daypacks that fit, don't rub funny rashes on our arm or necks, and we all can now use our "hydration reservoirs" with ease.  

Tuesday night we enjoyed time with friends.  We grilled burgers and chicken, shot guns in the back field, and finished the night off with a campfire and smores.  

And tonight we will be doing laundry, making homemade granola bars, and packing for our trip.  Who needs TV or Facebook when you have so many other activities to keep you busy?  In the midst of all this business I have found joy in simplicity and connection with my family.  

Monday, June 4, 2012

Media Fast: Day 2

It is the morning of Day 2 of the media fast month of the "7" experience.  I only have one observation at this time. Since it's rare that I sit and watch TV all night, I just assumed I didn't watch a lot of TV. I didn't realize all the sneaky little ways I used TV to pass time until yesterday.

Normally when Titus and the kids get a campfire ready, I hang out inside and watch some Create TV until they are ready for me to join them and cook dinner, or smores.  I don't usually join them to gather sticks and get the fire started.  That's always been their thing.  I would have it on "in the background" while I puttered in the kitchen, put away laundry, etc. Since my TV is unplugged, yesterday while they were working on that project, I grabbed a book on Women's ministry and began reading.  And when they went for a bike ride, I read some more.

Right now, starting Day 2, I am loving this.  I'm sure that won't last for the next four weeks, but I will ride this as long as I can.