Monday, June 4, 2012

Media Fast: Day 2

It is the morning of Day 2 of the media fast month of the "7" experience.  I only have one observation at this time. Since it's rare that I sit and watch TV all night, I just assumed I didn't watch a lot of TV. I didn't realize all the sneaky little ways I used TV to pass time until yesterday.

Normally when Titus and the kids get a campfire ready, I hang out inside and watch some Create TV until they are ready for me to join them and cook dinner, or smores.  I don't usually join them to gather sticks and get the fire started.  That's always been their thing.  I would have it on "in the background" while I puttered in the kitchen, put away laundry, etc. Since my TV is unplugged, yesterday while they were working on that project, I grabbed a book on Women's ministry and began reading.  And when they went for a bike ride, I read some more.

Right now, starting Day 2, I am loving this.  I'm sure that won't last for the next four weeks, but I will ride this as long as I can.

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