So, here's what I've decided. Excess can happen even within the parameters of "7". Honestly, I can find things I do not need at Walmart. We can plan more road trips and spend more on fuel.
Here's where I've landed with this month. I didn't take into consideration the spending habits we already had in place and how just because I may limit the number of places I spend money doesn't get to the real issues I have with money and spending.
Another thing I didn't take into consideration is that we already watch where every dollar is spent. I daily view our checking account, do a cash flow assessment, and make sure we are on target. Each paycheck is dived out and most of the money is spoken for before the money is spent. For example, on my list this month is an oil change for each car and new tires for the Corolla. Is that excess because it doesn't fall within the parameters of what I set out for "7"? Well, technically, you could say so. But the reality in my world is that safety for our family and being a good steward of the vehicle we have is more important than sticking to the "7" parameters I set out at the beginning of the month.
The question remains just what I'm going to do with the remainder of spending month with "7". Do I keep going, feeling like I'm breaking rules when I spend money on tires because they weren't in my parameters? Or, do I look at the areas where there truly is excess (convenience spending) and take the money normally spent on convenience and donate it to someone who needs it? Do I look at my cash flow each day, and determine where there is more wiggle room than I really need and purchase food for the church food bank, clothes for the clothing drive for kids in town, a grocery store gift card for a friend truly living on each penny to feed a family?
If I'm honest, the heart of this issue isn't that we are unaware of where we spend money, live frivolously, or the sheer number of vendors who get our money. In truth I'm more apt to NOT spend money and hoard it for my family, keep it for a rainy day, because you never know what tomorrow might bring. The heart issue is that I often put my trust more in my good spending habits and our ability to earn money than I do in the God who has given us these abilities and provided for us every day, even when we are unaware of His goodness.
So, I will continue to budget, meal plan, price match, limit the convenience spending. But I will also pray for God to open my fist, release the money He has entrusted to me, and give more freely to those around me.
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