Tuesday, May 29, 2012

And so it begins...

Today I am five days away from the beginning of a journey that will last until about spring break of next year.  It's hard to even fathom such an idea.  So much life can happen in that time. And while life unfolds and we see how God  leads our family, I will undergo my own journey within the journey.

Sunday, June 3rd, 2012 starts the "7" project.  Based on the book 7: an Experimental Mutiny Against Excess, by Jen Hatmaker, this journey looks at seven areas of excess in our modern American lives.  Each month, for seven months, we will tackle one area, and in the spirit of a fast, remove the excess from our lives.  During that month, my desire is to see how God would reveal himself to me as I remove the clutter and fill those spaces with Him.

The first month is media.  And I'm terrified.  I enjoy my cup of coffee with the top of the hour news and weather on Good Morning America.  I love keeping up with friends on Facebook.  Honestly, it is the best place for me to know what is going on with my family and friends who live in other states.  And, when a friend here in town dealt with the death of a family member, she kept us all informed through Facebook as to what was going on with her situation.  It is just so convenient to keep in touch with people.  But it can also be a time waster.

The same is true of cooking websites, online grocery store ads, email, and so many other places online.  But when I spend so much time online that I don't have time for prayer or meeting God in His Word, well, then there's a problem.

So here's what's going down for the first month.  I am using these filters to help me determine what media I will avoid and what I will allow.

1.) If it is necessary for me to earn my paycheck, I will keep it.
I use email for my job all day long.  It is how we communicate the most efficiently.  There are times I order books and resources for the pastors.  I log in to mass text our students about the trip coming up in July.  I am doing an online Bible Study starting at the end of the month to preview for our Women's ministry. These type of online "media" I will keep.

2.) If it brings me closer in my relationship with the Lord, I will keep it.  If it is a distraction to my relationship with the Lord, I will forgo it for the next four weeks.
This means I will keep sermons I listen to on my ipod when I exercise and Christian radio in my kitchen while I make dinner.  However, the TV and DVD player will be unplugged for the month.  I will blog once a week about this experience and check personal email about once a week.  Those area honestly not big distractions for me with my relationship with the Lord.  The TV, movies, Facebook, and recipe websites are the ones I feel most led to give up.  Those are the areas where I "check out" and need to focus on "checking in" with God.

3.) I will be reasonable with my expectations of my family joining me on this experience.
My husband has no problem with turning off the TV and DVD player for the month.  He has no problem with not checking ESPN or 14ers.com for the month.  But he does have a hard time figuring out how we are going to do road trips with the kids without any using the portable DVD player.  And I agree.  I want our children to live through this experience.  And a long road trip without movies to watch is just asking for trouble.  So, in those areas we will be reasonable, and not legalistic.

Five days.  June 3rd will be here before I know it.  And honestly, as terrified as I am, I look forward to what all God will speak to me when I take the time to listen.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

New Favorite: Coconut Oil

I have already mentioned that I am in love with cleansing my skin with olive oil.  But my latest find is using Coconut oil as an eye cream. After doing some online poking around to learn more about it as a product, I decided to just purchase a jar at Walmart - right with the rest of the cooking oils.  

Coconut oil is a solid under 76 degrees and a liquid once it gets a little warmer.  So I put a spoonful of coconut oil in a little travel jar and usually use it like I would any other eye cream. 

How I use it:

I use the coconut oil morning and night.  At night I cleanse my skin with olive oil and warm water.  Once I pat my skin dry, I use coconut oil under my eyes and on my eye lids.  In the mornings, I rinse my face with warm water while in the shower.  Then, I use the coconut oil before I put on any other eye makeup.  

What are the results?
I immediately noticed how moisturized my under eye skin felt all day long.  The crepe paper skin under my eyes disappeared.  Now, after about three months that skin is firmer and much, much smoother. 

But the big TA-DA came when I looked at a picture taken of me a week ago at a friend's baby shower.  For the first time, I didn't see the dark circle normally under my left eye.  I was not immediately drawn to that part of my face like usual.   And I'm more critical of myself than anyone else.

So, I will keep using my simple skin care products.  Olive oil to cleanse at night.  Coconut oil as an eye cream morning and night.  And, a check book that loves me because a little goes a very long way with these products, and I will likely spend less than $10 a year on my skin care routine.