Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Possessions Month

So, we officially started the Possessions Month of our "7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess" a few weeks ago.  The way we are running it is a bit different from the book.  Rather that give away 7 things each day, we are going through 7 key areas of our home, and giving away all that we can to reduce our overall possessions throughout the entire house.

Here's where we are focusing:

  1. Kitchen
  2. Bedroom
  3. Bathroom
  4. Basement
  5. Garage
  6. Kid Zone
  7. Living Room
So far, we haven't done very well.  For the last two weeks straight, Titus & I have been gone or had a meeting every night but last night.  And honestly, we were so tired, I didn't even think about going through any of our areas for "7" last night.  

But that will change tonight.  I will be home, starting in the kitchen, going through cupboard by cupboard (not that I have very many to go through!) and removing items that I have duplicates of, or just haven't used, don't need, or know someone else could use more than us.  I will begin to store these items in the spare bedroom until the time comes when we have gone through the entire house and I can take all these items either to a free garage sale we are trying to organize with the group, or a local charity that can distribute the items to people right here in Kearney.  

I anticipate this month being difficult for me because I don't feel like we have a lot of excess in our possessions to begin with.  While I know this is a fallacy, it will take looking at our belonging with another set of eyes to really make this a meaningful experience.

Hopefully I will have pictures to post of the piles of goods we are giving to someone who will actually use them.  How desperately I want to have an open hand and heart when it comes to the things of this world.  I' don't want to hold onto any earthly thing too tightly.  I want to let it go to be used for someone else.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Excess even within "7"

So, here's what I've decided.  Excess can happen even within the parameters of "7".  Honestly, I can find things I do not need at Walmart.  We can plan more road trips and spend more on fuel.

Here's where I've landed with this month.  I didn't take into consideration the spending habits we already had in place and how just because I may limit the number of places I spend money doesn't get to the real issues I have with money and spending.

Another thing I didn't take into consideration is that we already watch where every dollar is spent.  I daily view our checking account, do a cash flow assessment, and make sure we are on target.  Each paycheck is dived out and most of the money is spoken for before the money is spent.  For example, on my list this month is an oil change for each car and new tires for the  Corolla.  Is that excess because it doesn't fall within the parameters of what I set out for "7"?  Well, technically, you could say so.  But the reality in my world is that safety for our family and being a good steward of the vehicle we have is more important than sticking to the "7" parameters I set out at the beginning of the month.  

The question remains just what I'm going to do with the remainder of spending month with "7".  Do I keep going, feeling like I'm breaking rules when I spend money on tires because they weren't in my parameters?  Or, do I look at the areas where there truly is excess (convenience spending) and take the money normally spent on convenience and donate it to someone who needs it?  Do I look at my cash flow each day, and determine where there is more wiggle room than I really need and purchase food for the church food bank, clothes for the clothing drive for kids in town, a grocery store gift card for a friend truly living on each penny to feed a family?

If I'm honest, the heart of this issue isn't that we are unaware of where we spend money, live frivolously, or the sheer number of vendors who get our money. In truth I'm more apt to NOT spend money and hoard it for my family, keep it for a rainy day, because you never know what tomorrow might bring. The heart issue is that I often put my trust more in my good spending habits and our ability to earn money than I do in the God who has given us these abilities and provided for us every day, even when we are unaware of His goodness.  

So, I will continue to budget, meal plan, price match, limit the convenience spending.  But I will also pray for God to open my fist, release the money He has entrusted to me, and give more freely to those around me.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Month 4 of "7": Spending

It is hard to believe that we are entering our fourth month of 7: an experimental mutiny against excess, by Jen Hatmaker.  Some months have been easier than others, but they all have helped us to think beyond our daily routine and consider what things God might want to show us about how we live in each of these areas.  Each month, I have realized just how much excess we have, even when we feel like we live very simply.

This month on spending will be the same, I'm sure.  I look at our lives and I don't feel live we spend to excess.  We live within our means.  We have no debt.  Our cars are paid for.  We rarely eat out.   We shop clearance, off season, and thrift stores for clothes.  But, let's consider all the areas we DO spend money that we might not think about.  I did a quick survey of places not for fuel or groceries in the last month.  Here's what I found.

  • Redbox (how we love our $1 rentals)
  • The sweet tea I took my hubby for a treat yesterday.  I bought it at the convenience store. 
  • Hair cuts
  • Wendy's chili because I forgot lunch....again!
  • Eileen Cookies for a junior high volley ball team
  • Ice cream treat after a football game on a hot Sunday afternoon
  • I-tunes
  • Christian bookstore for a new Bible Study
  • Office Max for binders for a new project
  • Car wash to get the bugs off
And that's just in the last month. What about the last year?  Can anyone else relate?  I feel like we do pretty good because we don't over indulge in any big items.  But the reality is we nickle and dime ourselves every month with piddly little expenses.

So this next month we will take a closer look and where we spend our money and why.  We will limit our spending to seven areas.  And I can tell you, the list of ten above will not be on that list.  Here's where we will spend our money.
  1. Fuel
  2. Walmart
  3. Weekend with the Kids 
  4. Online Bill Pay
  5. Emergency Medical
  6. Baby Room Fund
  7. Limited Date night
So, for those of you who haven't heard, you may have picked up on #6.  Yes, we will be welcoming a new baby in April of next year.  That being said, I am on the lookout at garage sales and craigslist for items for the baby room.  So, if I come across a good deal this month, I don't want to miss out.  Also, my ever increasing belly is going to require some form of maternity clothes before too long.  I may have to start looking into that this month as well.  

As for the others on the list, let me explain.  First, I chose Walmart because they ad-match.  And since we are focusing on spending, I felt it frugal to get the best deal possible.  As for the Weekend with the Kids, our time with Madi & Abe is so precious.  I wanted Titus to be able to plan a fun experience with them when they are here.  We will still process through whatever we do to make it as economical and fit within these guidelines as we can.  Finally, I put a limited date night on there as well.  It is a rare occasion that Titus and I are able to share an evening out, and when we do, it is usually half-price appetizers at Applebees or the $1 theater.  I don't want to squelch my husbands spontaneous date nights when we do find the time to do something.  

So, with that said - here we go!  Starting Sunday, this will be our guideline for the next month.  

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

What I really crave this month...

In an effort to not turn legalistic during food month, I relaxed for our weekend getaway to Estes Park.  My hubby and I celebrated our 3rd anniversary surrounded by family and good friends.  The tradition of staying in the cabins at the YMCA of the Rockies started thirty-two years ago with my family.  We are always thrilled we can share this experience with Madi & Abe now.

And with any good tradition in my family, food is always involved.  We have certain foods we have to have and certain nights we have to eat them.  It is a refined process that took us many years to perfect.  And when you have found that perfect balance, you don't mess with it.

However, I was in the middle of our Food month with "7", and so it was a thought constant in my mind throughout the whole weekend.  We enjoyed lots of good foo.  We enjoyed lots of food not on the "7" list.  And I was o.k. with that.

But more than anything this month, I have been craving simplicity in my cooking.  Even more than I have already done.  I crave to simplify the ingredients we use.  I crave to simplify the amount we eat.  I crave to simplify how often we eat and why we eat.  I crave food for nourishment and not for entertainment.  And that was highlighted this weekend.  Often what we ate was for entertainment.  And afterward I felt sick.  I realize that my body really does respond to food and if I pay attention I can see how differently it responds when I feed it healthy versus when I feed it junk.

So, that is one thing I will continue to take with me.  I long to continue to have God shape my view of food to be healthy and for life sustaining enjoyment.  It makes a huge difference, there is no doubt.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Food Month starts Sunday

This morning I'm munching on Wheat Thins.  They are one of my weaknesses.  Another is Oreos.  And that's why I don't allow myself to purchase either.  But I went to Target hungry yesterday, and so today I eat Wheat Thins.  But the reality of what I'm about to enter for Food month is right before me.

Sitting on my desk is my list of the 7 foods I will avoid, and the 7 I will focus on eating.  Coming up with the list was not as difficult as I would have thought it would be.  Unlike the book, I am not picking solely 7 foods to eat all month.  Rather, I looked at where my food weaknesses were.

  • And the truth is I am a lazy eater.  I eat fast food because I don't take time to pack a lunch. 
  • I'm an emotional eater. I turn to snack food or my coveted Diet. Dr. Pepper to get me through a stressful day at work or a lonely night home alone.
  • I don't practice what I've learned.  I know what I should be eating.  I know what I should be avoiding.  I know processed foods aren't good for me.  I know all these things, but that hasn't changed how I eat as much as I would like it to.
So this month I will focus on what I believe God is calling me to with food in my life.  To stop being lazy.  To stop being emotional.  And to put into practice the good things I've learned.  To turn to Him when I'm stressed or tired or emotional.  To find activities in my life to satisfy in ways that food cannot.  So, here are my parameters for the month.

Foods I will Avoid:
  1. Refined Sugar
  2. Fast Food 
  3. Carbonated Beverages (good bye Sonic Happy Hour!)
  4. Refined Grains (bye Wheat Thins)
  5. Processed Foods
  6. Fried Foods (no more potato chips)
  7. Dairy

Focus On:
  1. Whole Fruits
  2. Whole Vegetables
  3. Whole Grains
  4. Good Fats & Oils
  5. Water
  6. Legumes & Nuts
  7. Lean Meats
So there it is.  My food map for the next month.  I will say this.  We will be celebrating our anniversary in Estes Park during this month.  I have already decided that I will not miss some of the traditional meals, but rather enjoy and not be legalistic during that weekend.  However, I am planning food that I can enjoy to supplement those traditional meals so I don't veer so far off course and just ignore everything for the weekend.

I'm excited to start and look forward to leaning into the Lord more fully during this time.  A chance to cleanse my body, spirit and mind.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Waste Month: In the Home Stretch

As I look at my calendar, it is official: Waste month in some ways was a waste for me.  In total, I was home 11 of the 30 days for this month.  That makes it really difficult to follow any time of plan in any area of my life.  But recycling and shopping local are pretty much a bust when you are on the road for so many days.

But we are in the home stretch, the final week.  And here's how I'm going to finish strong:

1.) We are carpooling to work this week
2.) I am continuing to eat out of the freezer and pantry and keep grocery shopping to a minimum
3.) I will FINALLY be home on Wednesday & Saturday this week to hit the farmer's market
4.) Recycling, everything possible in our home
5.) kitchen waste taken out to the field

So, even though I haven't had the strongest month this month, this week will be great.  I can tell already.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Waste Not

We are half way through the Waste month of the "7" experience. This book has helped me to shift my thinking, if not alter my actions. This month has proven more difficult for me than I thought. I have a couple of guesses why:

1.) We only have a farmers market in town on Wednesday afternoons and Saturdays. Unfortunately, my family eats fresh foods all the other days of the week. 

2.) Since we started the Waste month my family has only been home 5 days. Five days in two and a half weeks. Recycling and shopping at farmers markets has proven difficult when you are on the road.

But, on the positive side we have looked at how we waste food and energy and this crazy month has been good in these ways:

1.) When needing a dress for a function this weekend, I looked in the back of my closet and found the perfect dress. No need to go purchase a new one.

2.) Traveling on the road for so many days has cut our electric bill way down since we haven't been home.

3.) Grocery shopping has been limited to only what we will consume in the next 48 hours. When we are home we are eating out of our freezer and pantry.

4.) EVERYTHING gets recycles when we are home. Just this morning I opened a new bar of soap for my husband. It was packaged in this cool paper wrapper. Rather than throw it in the trash, I walked it back to our paper/cardboard recycling bin. Little things like that are a victory for me. More and more of those add up to less and less trash.

So while not a stellar record for the month, it has been eye-opening for sure.

Friday, June 29, 2012

The End of Media Month

Tomorrow marks the official end to our media month.  I have to be honest, it was much harder than I thought to give up TV, but not difficult at all to give up Facebook.  That really surprised me.  Since I keep in touch with family and life-long friends through Facebook, I assumed it would be much more difficult not to see them on a regular basis.  But I guess my busy summer made that easier.

Giving up TV was much more difficult than I thought.  I have learned something about myself through this process, and I'm not proud of it.  I cannot stand silence, and I don't enjoy being alone at home.  It was those nights that I caved.  When I was alone, the silence in my home was too much for me.  The record breaking heat didn't make things any easier.  The last thing I wanted to do in this heat is work out side or go for a walk.  Stuck in my house, I quickly caved and started watching movies or TV to occupy my time.  The thought of knitting or crocheting, or reading a book just didn't cut it.  Spending time in the Word or conversation with God was great, but unfortunately, many nights I was so emotionally and spiritually tapped I just couldn't muster much brain power to focus.

But I will say that in the midst of my weakness, I did find many sweet moments with my family.  We spent five glorious days in Colorado.  Many nights and days were spent with my sister, her husband, and my three adorable nieces.  We celebrated the 100 year wedding anniversary of my great grand parents through a festive family reunion.  Titus, the kids, and I logged many hours and miles in the car visiting family and friends.

As we come to a close with this I will continue to pray for God to fill me in those times when I want to check out.  I have identified an area where I need to grow, and I will pray for God to change my heart and my behavior to draw me closer to Him in those times.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Media Fast: Day 18

Confession time for me.  Last night I blew it big time with the media fast.  Even though we haven't been being legalistic about the fast, we have been keeping a pretty tight lid on things.  We've watched some Tim Hawkins movies with the kids.  Titus and his friend watched the NBA finals on Tuesday night.  But no late night TV, no cooking shows, none of that for me.  That is, until last night.  

When I got home from work I was just done.  You know the kind of "done" where several days of little sleep and long work days catch up with you?  The kind of "done" where you are numb and even conversation takes effort and energy you just don't have.  That kind of "done."  After we watched a movie, I turned on regular TV.  I knew I should go for a walk, but I was too physically tired to get out of the chair.  I knew I should talk with my husband, but I was mentally too exhausted to muster up a conversation.  I knew I should pray, read, journal, something...but I was too spiritually tapped to even care at that point.  

And today, I realized something.  This media fast has been great.  But fasting from media doesn't automatically fix the human condition of being over-tired.  It doesn't automatically mean you are going to have energy to be with your loved ones or the Lord, even when you have the time.  

I still feel at a bit of a deficit this morning.  But I praise God that His mercies are new every morning, and today is a new morning.   

Friday, June 15, 2012

Media Fast: Day 13

This past week we spent some time in Colorado.  It made the media fast seem pretty simple, for the most part.  We didn't stick as hard and fast to the media fast while we were on the road.  The kids watched Tim Hawkins comedy DVD's on the drive and we listened to and sang along with some worship music.  The trip out was great.  The hike was long and hard but rewarding.

When we returned to the hotel we did watch some TV.  After 9 hours of hiking, I wasn't going to complain.  We were just exhausted and wanted to unwind with some fun.  So we watched Cake Boss before bed.  I didn't feel guilty.  As I told my husband - there aren't any rules with this fast.  The point is that we are unplugging from media most of the time and engaging with each other and our Savior.

Now, the next two weeks I think will be more difficult for me.  We will be home without any big plans or preparation for any big trips.  That is when I'm more likely to be tempted to sit down and watch some cooking shows on Create TV.  So, I will game plan this weekend and have some projects, prayers, and books ready to go for my time after work.

Friday, June 8, 2012

My new favorite Granola Bar Recipe

Truly simple and so much tastier than the one I used before, this granola bar recipe is my new favorite.  I have made this about three times now, and it is pretty fool proof and extremely versatile.  The base remains the same each time.  The add-ins vary depending on what I have on hand, what I'm in the mood for, or what the family requests.

The Base
1 cup Almond Butter
3 mashed bananas
3 cups Oatmeal

The Add-ins
Add in up to 1/4 cup of any variation of nuts, seeds, or dried fruit.   We like to use dried cranberries or raisins, along with chopped almonds and walnuts.

The Preparation
Put a large sauce pan over medium heat on the stove.  Add the almond butter and mashed bananas and mix.  Continue to stir and mix together until smooth.  Be careful not to scorch the almond butter.  Once smooth and well blended (there will still be some banana lumps) turn off the heat.

Add the oatmeal one cup at a time and mix well.  Continue adding any additional nuts, seeds, dried fruit and mix well.

Spoon mixture into a 9x9 pan lined with parchment paper.  Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes.  Let cool for five minutes and then remove on parchment paper to a cooling rack.  Cut into bars and let cool completely.  Once cooled, I put them into snack size ziploc bags and store in the pantry.

The Verdict
These remind me of a oatmeal type cookie.  The bananas offer sweetness without adding any sugar.  And the almond butter offers the creamy taste and good protein.  I have used these for breakfast as I'm walking out the door.  They sustain me throughout the morning and have gone as late as 1pm before I was feeling like I needed lunch!  My husband said these are his favorite by far and is excited to have them on our 14ers trip, road trips, and camping trips to come this summer.

Media Fast: Day 6

I am closing in on the first week of the media fast.  This week has been surprisingly easier than I expected.  Part of it could be that with the kids in town, we have been busy enjoying time together with them.  And, getting ready to climb 14ers in Colorado has kept us busy as well.

Monday night and Wednesday night we walked six miles.  All at once.  All together.  With our backpacks.  My husband called these "training hikes".  Really, I'm not sure how these training hikes will translate to our hiking 14ers, but I'm glad to know I can walk six miles without dying.  It is also good to know that we all have daypacks that fit, don't rub funny rashes on our arm or necks, and we all can now use our "hydration reservoirs" with ease.  

Tuesday night we enjoyed time with friends.  We grilled burgers and chicken, shot guns in the back field, and finished the night off with a campfire and smores.  

And tonight we will be doing laundry, making homemade granola bars, and packing for our trip.  Who needs TV or Facebook when you have so many other activities to keep you busy?  In the midst of all this business I have found joy in simplicity and connection with my family.  

Monday, June 4, 2012

Media Fast: Day 2

It is the morning of Day 2 of the media fast month of the "7" experience.  I only have one observation at this time. Since it's rare that I sit and watch TV all night, I just assumed I didn't watch a lot of TV. I didn't realize all the sneaky little ways I used TV to pass time until yesterday.

Normally when Titus and the kids get a campfire ready, I hang out inside and watch some Create TV until they are ready for me to join them and cook dinner, or smores.  I don't usually join them to gather sticks and get the fire started.  That's always been their thing.  I would have it on "in the background" while I puttered in the kitchen, put away laundry, etc. Since my TV is unplugged, yesterday while they were working on that project, I grabbed a book on Women's ministry and began reading.  And when they went for a bike ride, I read some more.

Right now, starting Day 2, I am loving this.  I'm sure that won't last for the next four weeks, but I will ride this as long as I can.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

And so it begins...

Today I am five days away from the beginning of a journey that will last until about spring break of next year.  It's hard to even fathom such an idea.  So much life can happen in that time. And while life unfolds and we see how God  leads our family, I will undergo my own journey within the journey.

Sunday, June 3rd, 2012 starts the "7" project.  Based on the book 7: an Experimental Mutiny Against Excess, by Jen Hatmaker, this journey looks at seven areas of excess in our modern American lives.  Each month, for seven months, we will tackle one area, and in the spirit of a fast, remove the excess from our lives.  During that month, my desire is to see how God would reveal himself to me as I remove the clutter and fill those spaces with Him.

The first month is media.  And I'm terrified.  I enjoy my cup of coffee with the top of the hour news and weather on Good Morning America.  I love keeping up with friends on Facebook.  Honestly, it is the best place for me to know what is going on with my family and friends who live in other states.  And, when a friend here in town dealt with the death of a family member, she kept us all informed through Facebook as to what was going on with her situation.  It is just so convenient to keep in touch with people.  But it can also be a time waster.

The same is true of cooking websites, online grocery store ads, email, and so many other places online.  But when I spend so much time online that I don't have time for prayer or meeting God in His Word, well, then there's a problem.

So here's what's going down for the first month.  I am using these filters to help me determine what media I will avoid and what I will allow.

1.) If it is necessary for me to earn my paycheck, I will keep it.
I use email for my job all day long.  It is how we communicate the most efficiently.  There are times I order books and resources for the pastors.  I log in to mass text our students about the trip coming up in July.  I am doing an online Bible Study starting at the end of the month to preview for our Women's ministry. These type of online "media" I will keep.

2.) If it brings me closer in my relationship with the Lord, I will keep it.  If it is a distraction to my relationship with the Lord, I will forgo it for the next four weeks.
This means I will keep sermons I listen to on my ipod when I exercise and Christian radio in my kitchen while I make dinner.  However, the TV and DVD player will be unplugged for the month.  I will blog once a week about this experience and check personal email about once a week.  Those area honestly not big distractions for me with my relationship with the Lord.  The TV, movies, Facebook, and recipe websites are the ones I feel most led to give up.  Those are the areas where I "check out" and need to focus on "checking in" with God.

3.) I will be reasonable with my expectations of my family joining me on this experience.
My husband has no problem with turning off the TV and DVD player for the month.  He has no problem with not checking ESPN or 14ers.com for the month.  But he does have a hard time figuring out how we are going to do road trips with the kids without any using the portable DVD player.  And I agree.  I want our children to live through this experience.  And a long road trip without movies to watch is just asking for trouble.  So, in those areas we will be reasonable, and not legalistic.

Five days.  June 3rd will be here before I know it.  And honestly, as terrified as I am, I look forward to what all God will speak to me when I take the time to listen.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

New Favorite: Coconut Oil

I have already mentioned that I am in love with cleansing my skin with olive oil.  But my latest find is using Coconut oil as an eye cream. After doing some online poking around to learn more about it as a product, I decided to just purchase a jar at Walmart - right with the rest of the cooking oils.  

Coconut oil is a solid under 76 degrees and a liquid once it gets a little warmer.  So I put a spoonful of coconut oil in a little travel jar and usually use it like I would any other eye cream. 

How I use it:

I use the coconut oil morning and night.  At night I cleanse my skin with olive oil and warm water.  Once I pat my skin dry, I use coconut oil under my eyes and on my eye lids.  In the mornings, I rinse my face with warm water while in the shower.  Then, I use the coconut oil before I put on any other eye makeup.  

What are the results?
I immediately noticed how moisturized my under eye skin felt all day long.  The crepe paper skin under my eyes disappeared.  Now, after about three months that skin is firmer and much, much smoother. 

But the big TA-DA came when I looked at a picture taken of me a week ago at a friend's baby shower.  For the first time, I didn't see the dark circle normally under my left eye.  I was not immediately drawn to that part of my face like usual.   And I'm more critical of myself than anyone else.

So, I will keep using my simple skin care products.  Olive oil to cleanse at night.  Coconut oil as an eye cream morning and night.  And, a check book that loves me because a little goes a very long way with these products, and I will likely spend less than $10 a year on my skin care routine.  

Friday, April 6, 2012

Friday Favorite: Pumie & Vinegar

Pumie Scouring StickI would have never believed how well this works if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes a year ago when the cleaning lady at the office where I worked used it on a toilet bowl that we all thought was beyond help.

Well, here I am a year later desperately trying everything I can find to get rid of hard water stains in our old country home bathroom.  And wouldn't you know it I remembered this little, inexpensive tool, and tried it.  

And it worked like a charm.  No chemicals.  No soaking.  Just a few minutes of elbow grease and it was done.  I am in love with this product.  Bizarre, maybe.  But when I can find something that works as well as this did without breaking the budget or fuming up my house, I'm all over it.

I decided to try a little experiment.  Everything under my kitchen sink didn't seem to be doing the trick of removing the hard water scum on my bathtub and shower walls.  Some worked better than others, but nothing worked great.  And I hated the fumes and smells that came from those bottles.  And I hated spending money on something that didn't work.  

So I grabbed a bottle of vinegar, diluted it a bit with some filtered water, and sprayed the shower and bathtub.  I let it sit for about a minutes, went back over it with a wet sponge and couldn't believe how well that cut through the scum.  I used it in the sink, on the counter top, the toilet, the floor, you name it.  So simple, so inexpensive.  I'm a fan.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Friday Favorite: 7

A friend gave me the book 7: an Experimental Mutiny Against Excess, by Jen Hatmaker.  There is talk of a going through this with a group of women.  I was all jazzed about it, until I read it.  Now, I am convinced this is something I need to consider, but absolutely terrified at the prospect.

Let me give you some background.  The idea with the book is that each month, for seven months, Jen takes an area of her life prone to excess, and whittles it down to just seven things.  For one month she eats only seven foods, another month wears only seven pieces of clothing, and so on.  It encompasses food, clothing, shopping, waste, stress, media, and possessions.  Strategically she tackles each area and honestly reflects on her month.

I couldn't put the book down and pretty much read it in one day.  It was such an eye-opening experience.  While I don't feel as prone to excess in some of the same areas, some I'm sure I'm more prone and there are other areas I'm sure I need to take a long hard look at in my own life.  It brings you face-to-face with your own perspective on what is necessary and what is frivolous.  When in reality, most of what I consume and purchase would be classified as a luxury to the majority of the world.

So, for what it's worth, I'm going to walk with my friend through this experience.  I'm not yet sure where I will go with this, but if nothing else, it makes me far more aware of where my treasures are, there my heart is also.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Friday Favorite: March 9th

Since my husband and I are taking an impromptu road trip this weekend I started thinking about my favorite road-trip foods.  When we travel, we don't like stopping to eat at fast-food drive-thru's.  So, I usually try to pack some simple and somewhat healthier options (I know pizza is not that healthy - but sometimes it just sounds good!) for us to snack on along the way.  Below is a list of my favorites so far.

  1. No-Bake Granola Bars (oats, almond butter, chopped nuts, and local honey)
  2. Wraps (our favorites are cream cheese or ham and cheddar with some veggies)
  3. Cold Pizza (bake the night before and slice so it is ready to go)
  4. Chicken Strips (bake and slice chicken breasts the night before)
  5. Hard-boiled eggs
  6. Sliced cheese / ham / turkey

Friday, March 2, 2012

Friday Favorite

I'm such a coffee drinker, I cannot imagine starting my day without a hot cup of straight black coffee.  But, after the coffee is gone, I sometimes still want another treat during my day.

This week I discovered my new favorite drink: Chai.  I've always heard of it and see it at fancy coffee shops, but I'm such creature of habit sometimes I never ventured that direction.

But, this simple drink is my new favorite.  Just add a packet of the mix to hot water and you have a warm and yummy treat.  And I do mean treat.  The sugar content will prevent me from drinking this too often, but it is just the right pick me up when I need just a little something in the afternoon.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Secret Arsenal for My Hair

Anyone who has known me for any amount of time knows that some days a bad hair day can really throw me off.  I think as I have matured, I've gotten beyond that - sometimes.  But I still have a weird obsession with my hair.  And while it will never be a silky, long, curly mass of perfection, I have found a few things that I cannot live without and truly make a difference in my hair care. 

1. Water Softener for my Shower Head 
While mine isn't a Culligan - it looks very similar to the one pictured here.  I purchased mine at Menards for about $20 and filters are about $11 to replace.  I am hoping I can go about 3 months before I need to replace mine.

This has made a huge difference.  We live in the country and apparently have very hard water.  Before getting the filter, I found my hair getting progressively worse.  It never felt clean no matter what shampoo (or alternative cleaning agent) I used.  It always looked limp and flat but frizzy. It was the most frustrating experience.

2. Diluted Shampoo
I also did a lot of research about the no-poo method which uses Baking Soda diluted in water to wash your hair instead of shampoos that strip your hair.  Because the hard water was so awful, it didn't work for me.  And I haven't tried it again since I have the water softener.  But I started diluting my shampoo and it is AMAZING how wonderfully that works.

Here's what I do: I take a condiment bottle like picture to the right and put one squirt of shampoo in it.  Then I fill the rest with filtered water.  Every other morning I take the diluted shampoo and target my roots with the solution.  Scrub, scrub, scrub and rinse, rinse, rinse.  The diluted solution usually lasts me about two weeks.  Because I'm targeting my roots, I don't need a whole lot to clean my scalp and remove the grease.  Then I follow up with a 1/2 & 1/2 solution of conditioner and water.  It doesn't over strip my hair and I have been able to get away from the "greasies" and only wash my hair every other day because I still use some product in my hair.

Speaking of product, though.  I use a little gel on the ends before I blow dry and that is all!  No hair spray, no serums to keep fly-aways down.  I don't need that any more.  Because I'm not stripping all the moisture out of the hair, it doesn't get stat-icky like it used to!

3. A Great Haircut
Of course, where would we all be without a great hair cut.  I have found a gal here in Kearney that I just love.   A big part of why my hair lays the way it should is because I have a great hair cut.  It suits my personality, my hair type, and my hair texture.

Put these three things together and I truly can get from bed to the car in 20 minutes and look like I took the time and effort to get ready.  It took some trial and error over the past six months, but I finally feel like I have found my stride with my hair care.  And whether or not it is vain, we all want to look our best, and I feel that is what these three things have allowed me to do. 

Monday, February 13, 2012

Simplified Skin Care

I have never been one to use a whole arsenal of products for my skin.  In fact, over the years, I have become more and more basic in what I use.  Whether it was Mary Kay or Arbonne, I rarely used more than just a simple cleanser and moisturizer on my skin.  But recently, with the whole journey to simplifying my life even more, I began to do research about skin care.  

Here's what I've learned:
1.) Soap & cleansers strip your skin of the natural oils that you need.  That is why no matter how gentle, your skin will always have to produce more oil to replenish the way it was created to do.
2.) Olive Oil is a great alternative to cleansers and moisturizers. 
3.) It is a far more cost-effective product to use for my skin care.  

Yep - Olive Oil.  For the past two months I've been doing a modified version of the Oil Cleansing Method.  Basically, at night I pour a bit of Olive Oil into my hands, emulsify slightly with water, and massage into my face for as long as I like.  Usually about a minute.  Then I rinse with warm water and pat dry with a towel.

Here's what I've experienced:
1.) My skin has become more soft than I would have ever thought.

2.) I have not had a breakout in over six weeks.  In fact, even those stubborn little black heads have disappeared.  

3.) It is an amazing eye make up remover. 

4.) I have never, ever, once, had that oil slick feeling.  In fact, my face does not get oily and greasy by the end of the day like it used to when I used cleansers.  

So now my next step is to try Coconut Oil.  I have been looking for an alternative to eye cream. I am going to start using Coconut Oil for my skin in the evenings and on stubborn dry areas and see what happens.  I will report on that later!

Meal Planning In My Sleep

I have a friend who says that ideas just "pop" into her head all day long.  Personally, I cannot imagine what that is like.  However, being somewhat of a planner, the organizational gene kicks in at random times and I find myself organizing, planning, and MEAL planning at all different times of the day.

Meal planning wasn't a necessity for me until about two-and-a-half years ago.  As a single woman, I rarely planned meals or grocery shopped.  However, when I married and moved to a small town, I knew I had to make the most of my trips to the "big city" and cheaper groceries.  For me, a good week was about $75.  That would last Titus & I, and even the weekends we had the kids, until my next trip.

With our move to a bigger city that has a Super Center, and three - no four - grocery stores, I have honed my meal planning skills even more.  Simplicity has to be key, so I follow only three simple rules.  Now, I can usually get all the groceries we need, with maybe even a treat or two thrown in, for about $40 a week.


  • We are extremely blessed to have beef in our freezer as our family raises their own.
  • As a rule, we don't allow soda or junk food in our house, so that never makes it on the grocery bill.
  • Lunch is covered for my husband at his school, and I usually eat leftovers or a frozen meal.
The Rules:
1. Shop my freezer and pantry first: I always look through my freezer and my pantry first to see what I already have on hand.  Since I buy things when they are on a good deal (see #2), often times I already have everything I need to make two or three meals for the week.

2. Shop the Deals: I look through the ads for the local stores, as well as the HyVee (50miles away) as Walmart will price match with any store within a 50 mile radius.  I have noticed that one store in town rotates between beef, pork, and chicken deals.  I usually snag the pork and chicken when on sale and stock up enough to last me until it cycles through again three weeks later. I also keep an eye out for "Reduced to Sell" and "Manager's Specials" in the meat department.  Many times I get things a couple days before their "sell by" date is up and put it in the freezer to use within a week or two.

3. Shop with a list: I use #1 & #2 in tandem with each other to create my shopping list.  And then I stick to it.  Like I said, usually I have everything I need already in my home for a couple of meals, so usually I am only shopping for a handful of items.  I don't stray from the list unless it is a really good deal, like a manager's special or reduced to sell deal that wasn't advertised and, by the very nature of the deal, will be no good in a few days. 

The Next Step:
I have not ventured too far into the world of coupons.  When I have looked at them, they typically are for foods that I don't normally buy.  We pretty much eat fresh, whole foods, with the exception of some staples such as soups, dressing, diced tomatoes, etc.  So, I guess that is one area I will have to check into and see if I can work it into my routine.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Crock Pot Chicken Tortilla Soup

Crock Pot Chicken Tortilla Soup
2-3 Chicken Breasts
1 Can Cream of Chicken Soup
1 Can diced tomatoes with Mexican seasoning 
1 Can Diced Green Chilies
1 Can corn, drained
1 Can black beans, drained
1 packet Taco Seasoning
1 can milk (use the empty soup can)
1 can water (use the empty soup can)
1 can tomato sauce

Mix all ingredients in the crock pot and cook on low for 8-9 hours.  If you put the chicken breasts in whole, shred before serving.  The other option is to chop the chicken breasts into bite-sized pieces before you put them in the crock-pot. 

Garnish with sour cream and tortilla strips or chips.  

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Crock Pot BBQ Chicken & Sausage

I was inspired to try this in the crock pot after reading this recipe
It was super simple and super tasty.  

Crock Pot BBQ Chicken & Sausage
One package of Italian Sausage
Two chicken breasts
One bottle of BBQ sauce of choice

  • Get it Ready the Night Before and keep in fridge overnight.
  • Slice sausage and put in crock pot along with two frozen chicken breasts
  • Pour the bottle of BBQ sauce over the chicken and sausage and then fill the bottle about 1/3 full of water and pour it in the crock pot as well.  
  • In the morning: Cook on Low 8-9 hours
  • Before you eat, use two forks to break the chicken into smaller pieces.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Simple Weekend Breakfasts

Weekend breakfast for me must be simple, nutritious, and tasty.  And while I know that crescent rolls are not the most nutritious food out there, we rarely enjoy them.  I made an exception this weekend to enjoy these tasty roll-ups with the kids in town.   

Breakfast Crescent Roll-Ups
Of course, you cannot forget the coffee!

One Tube of Crescent Rolls 
Deli sliced ham or turkey 
Sliced Cheese of your choice

These are simply the easiest breakfast to create.  We loved adding a combination of ham and turkey with varying cheeses based on what was already in my refrigerator. Simply roll a slice of the meat and a half slice of the cheese inside the crescent triangle and roll from wide side to tip.  Bake according to the directions on the crescent roll package.  
So yummy, I made a second batch!

Breakfast Egg Cups

Two slices of ham or turkey per cup
One egg per cup
Bake at 350 degrees for about 18 minutes

I loved this recipe as well.  This is the first time I have tried this and it was a hit!  I simply placed two pieces of deli sliced turkey (it is what I had on hand) overlapped on top of a cup on the muffin tin.  Then I cracked the egg over the cup and let the weight of the egg push the meat into the tin and create the cup.  I then baked the cups until the whites were set and the yolks were lightly set. We served these just as they are.  
What I loved about this breakfast is that I could get it in the oven and go about getting ready while they baked.  I didn't need to be standing by the stove checking the eggs like I would if they were scrambled or poached, etc. 

Friday, January 20, 2012

A Journey to a Simple Life

I created this blog in an effort to separate my family pictures and updates from those things that I would like to keep record of regarding my journey to living more simply.

This journey officially started in 2011, but truth be told, it is a part of who I am at my core.  It is in my nature to live an organized life.  And I have found my key to organization is to keep things simple.

Living a simplified life to me is more about focusing on the things that are important and being willing to let the non-essentials go.  It means not trying to do it all or have it all.  And in that process, I am finding that I am a better wife and friend when I can focus on those things that are important to me.

Simplified living, to me, also means freeing up time and finances to be used where we really want to spend them.  It means looking at our schedule and scaling back what we say yes to, so that we have the time to spend together and say yes to the adventures that will create memories.  It means meal planning and shopping the deals to get the biggest bang for my buck at the grocery store so that we have money to splurge on treats when something fun comes along.

But ultimately simplified living means keeping my focus daily on my time with my Savior and building a life with my husband and family.  I am finding that the more simple we live our daily lives, the more we enjoy our time and resources, and the more we enjoy building this life together.