Thursday, October 4, 2012

Month 4 of "7": Spending

It is hard to believe that we are entering our fourth month of 7: an experimental mutiny against excess, by Jen Hatmaker.  Some months have been easier than others, but they all have helped us to think beyond our daily routine and consider what things God might want to show us about how we live in each of these areas.  Each month, I have realized just how much excess we have, even when we feel like we live very simply.

This month on spending will be the same, I'm sure.  I look at our lives and I don't feel live we spend to excess.  We live within our means.  We have no debt.  Our cars are paid for.  We rarely eat out.   We shop clearance, off season, and thrift stores for clothes.  But, let's consider all the areas we DO spend money that we might not think about.  I did a quick survey of places not for fuel or groceries in the last month.  Here's what I found.

  • Redbox (how we love our $1 rentals)
  • The sweet tea I took my hubby for a treat yesterday.  I bought it at the convenience store. 
  • Hair cuts
  • Wendy's chili because I forgot lunch....again!
  • Eileen Cookies for a junior high volley ball team
  • Ice cream treat after a football game on a hot Sunday afternoon
  • I-tunes
  • Christian bookstore for a new Bible Study
  • Office Max for binders for a new project
  • Car wash to get the bugs off
And that's just in the last month. What about the last year?  Can anyone else relate?  I feel like we do pretty good because we don't over indulge in any big items.  But the reality is we nickle and dime ourselves every month with piddly little expenses.

So this next month we will take a closer look and where we spend our money and why.  We will limit our spending to seven areas.  And I can tell you, the list of ten above will not be on that list.  Here's where we will spend our money.
  1. Fuel
  2. Walmart
  3. Weekend with the Kids 
  4. Online Bill Pay
  5. Emergency Medical
  6. Baby Room Fund
  7. Limited Date night
So, for those of you who haven't heard, you may have picked up on #6.  Yes, we will be welcoming a new baby in April of next year.  That being said, I am on the lookout at garage sales and craigslist for items for the baby room.  So, if I come across a good deal this month, I don't want to miss out.  Also, my ever increasing belly is going to require some form of maternity clothes before too long.  I may have to start looking into that this month as well.  

As for the others on the list, let me explain.  First, I chose Walmart because they ad-match.  And since we are focusing on spending, I felt it frugal to get the best deal possible.  As for the Weekend with the Kids, our time with Madi & Abe is so precious.  I wanted Titus to be able to plan a fun experience with them when they are here.  We will still process through whatever we do to make it as economical and fit within these guidelines as we can.  Finally, I put a limited date night on there as well.  It is a rare occasion that Titus and I are able to share an evening out, and when we do, it is usually half-price appetizers at Applebees or the $1 theater.  I don't want to squelch my husbands spontaneous date nights when we do find the time to do something.  

So, with that said - here we go!  Starting Sunday, this will be our guideline for the next month.  

1 comment:

  1. Congrats, Sarah! So excited for you guys! And excited for you to be on the 7 adventure. What a blessing Jen has been in my life!
